About Our Company
BioVantage.dk ApS is a Danish company formed to commercialize the patented AD-Booster technology. This is a unique technology platform that will increase the biogas yield from anaerobic digestion of waste biomass by up to 50%. AD Booster technology will allow for a transformational change of the biogas industry away from the use of energy crops such as energy-maize and costly organic additives.
The AD-Booster technology will allow for creation of the “Green biogas plant” producing sustainable bioenergy and biofuels solely from waste product such as manure, straw, green waste etc. This “Green biogas plant” will be highly efficient and will have a higher raw material throughput than the conventional biogas plant today.

The AD Booster will favorably address the main problems of biogas production today: the use of grown raw materials in competition with food and feed, and a too low reduction in carbon footprint compared to other renewable energy technologies. In contrary our “Green biogas plant” will have the highest sustainability rating while efficiently producing biogas from cheap waste biomasses.